
Incoherent babble that doesn't deserve a forum but gets one anyways in this networked age.

The first post

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Well, I just stumbled on this bloggin site today and thought I should see if it is any better than LJ or if it at least has a better interface than Xanga. So far I am impressed at the speed of the loading and the interface has been very simple so far. I will continue to fiddle about for a few days and see if I should move my base of operations out here. I do like the frontside web adress!

1 Responses to “The first post”

  1. Blogger LwB 

    How do comments show?

    Ah, thats how.

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The author lives in Portland, OR and is attending college in his birthcity at the University of Chicago. He is currently reading: Us and Them; The Tipping Point To uncover more, click.

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