I woke up at 5:30 this morning, took a shower and ate a light breakfast, before putting on my raincoat (showers were expected for the afternoon) and walking out into the garage. By now it was 6:15 but it was still very dark outside.
With a very heavy bag on my back, filled with a change of clothes and my books, I rode off to school. Now, for those of you who don't know the route, I basically start out at 300ft elevation, drop down to 200ft before climbing back up to 500ft where our school sits. This shouldn't be that big of a ride, but I'm terriblly out of shape, so it takes me about thirty minutes and a few stops to catch my breath.
Finally I make it up to school and lock my bike up:

Yea, I detached the front wheel because it's cool and all...
By the way, I've been thinking of moving this tingy over to Yahoo hosting, which would allow me to run wordpress and gallery2; something very nice indeed.
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