Blogdex, an MIT web crawling engine, tracks the spread of information across the web and posts it on thier website. It is a good place to go to see what important informaiton is flowing through the wires."Blogdex uses the links made by webloggers as a proxy to the things they are talking about. Webloggers typically contextualize their writing with hypertext links which act as markers for the subjects they are discussing. These markers are like tags placed on wild animals, allowing Blogdex to track a piece of conversation as it moves from weblog to weblog."
The Wisdom of Blogs.
Government Information Awareness
The premise of GIA is that individual citizens have the right to know details about government, while government has the power to know details about citizens. Our goal is develop a technology which empowers citizens to form a sort of intelligence agency; gathering, sorting, and acting on information they gather about the government. Only by employing such technologies can we hope to have a government "by the people, and for the people."
Michael Moore Gets a Blog!
Globe of Blogs is a huge site with links to lots of blogs based on search topics. I hope to be in here one fine day!
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