- MacBookPro
- Cell phone, with broken front screen.
- Roll of Scotch tape.
- TV remote
- X-Box remote
- Altoids tin
- Cordless phone and dock
- Quarters taped together in stacks of three more on that later...
- Several sticky note pads
- USB flashdrive 128MB
- Red pen
- Old belt
- Desk lamp
- Water glass
- Overdue bill from Portland State University
- MacBookPro Remote
- History Review Sheet
- Zits comic calander
- Parts of my MacBook power cable.
- AppleCare Protection Plan box
- A spool of CD-R's (half empty)
- A spool of DVDR's (full)
- Three CD jewl cases
- A screen duster
- Box of Tazo tea (China Green Tea)
- OSX CD box
- ProCare pamphlet
- HP Scanner/Printer
- USB cable for said printer.
- Bourne Identity and case
- Another bill from Portland State University
- My ballot for Oregon primaries
- AP physics review sheets.
- WEP code on a wrinkled piece of paper
- Transcript of a debate round
- Another history paper
- Letter from UChicago (not bill!)
- PCGamer June 2006 (unread)
- Mother Jones May-June (partial read)
- Manila Envelopes
- A copy of my history research paper.
- Oh, and a note for my history paper...which is done.
There, that gives me 42, a good number indeed. This ends my little warm-up writing assignment.
Yep Just a little activity
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