
Incoherent babble that doesn't deserve a forum but gets one anyways in this networked age.

Everything On My Desk (and then some)

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  1. MacBookPro
  2. Cell phone, with broken front screen.
  3. Roll of Scotch tape.
  4. TV remote
  5. X-Box remote
  6. Altoids tin
  7. Cordless phone and dock
  8. Quarters taped together in stacks of three more on that later...
  9. Several sticky note pads
  10. USB flashdrive 128MB
  11. Red pen
  12. Old belt
  13. Desk lamp
  14. Water glass
  15. Overdue bill from Portland State University
  16. MacBookPro Remote
  17. History Review Sheet
  18. Zits comic calander
  19. Parts of my MacBook power cable.
  20. AppleCare Protection Plan box
  21. A spool of CD-R's (half empty)
  22. A spool of DVDR's (full)
  23. Three CD jewl cases
  24. A screen duster
  25. Box of Tazo tea (China Green Tea)
  26. OSX CD box
  27. ProCare pamphlet
  28. HP Scanner/Printer
  29. USB cable for said printer.
  30. Bourne Identity and case
  31. Another bill from Portland State University
  32. My ballot for Oregon primaries
  33. AP physics review sheets.
  34. WEP code on a wrinkled piece of paper
  35. Transcript of a debate round
  36. Another history paper
  37. Letter from UChicago (not bill!)
  38. PCGamer June 2006 (unread)
  39. Mother Jones May-June (partial read)
  40. Manila Envelopes
  41. A copy of my history research paper.
  42. Oh, and a note for my history paper...which is done.

There, that gives me 42, a good number indeed. This ends my little warm-up writing assignment.

Yep Just a little activity

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The author lives in Portland, OR and is attending college in his birthcity at the University of Chicago. He is currently reading: Us and Them; The Tipping Point To uncover more, click.

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