
Incoherent babble that doesn't deserve a forum but gets one anyways in this networked age.


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You would be surprised how six tiny squares, no wider than the width of two hairs, could become such an annoying pariah. This Saturday, I opened my aforementioned macbookpro to find that six pixels sat, utterly lifeless at the bottom of my screen, just to the left of the shiny "MacBookPro" label. This adds to another dead pixel in the upper left corner of the screen, but these six are not only right next to eachother, forming a nice big speck on the screen, but they're right in the center of the dock. Grr! I'll be calling AppleCare pretty soon about it. Hopefully they can fix (replace) the screen without having to ship it off to some far away factory for days on end. I would feel naked without it. What's more, I think they might make me back up all my data before I send it to them: which means about five more hours for me.

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The author lives in Portland, OR and is attending college in his birthcity at the University of Chicago. He is currently reading: Us and Them; The Tipping Point To uncover more, click.

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