After almost a year in development, we launched Karen Hoppes school webpage this week.
I'm very happy that there are finally results for all of that hard work that both of us went through. When you're working on a project as large as this one was, it gets discouraging to see no tangible results for
weeks of work. But now the site is online, which means any changes that we make to it can be updated within a few days.
All along the way, the goal was to create a website that was able to meet student needs. Things like having all the documents and the notebook guide lines will hopefully save lots of people the frustration of having to call friends and hunt around for documents the night before the exam.
I'm still thinking of other tasks that the site could help out with, but one gets into the problem of creating a site that is "too helpful" to the point that it isn't necessary to show up for class. I'm thinking of the possibility of putting lecture notes online of the things I am toying around with is building a way to load up some of the "slides" Hoppes uses for lectures, such as maps.
I'm already building a feature that will add a warning note on the site when something important is changed (like something extra added to the notebook).
Anyhow, I hope you like the website and I would love to receive some constructive criticism on it. It will never be perfect, but I want to make it better. I think it's already the best teacher site at Lakeridge, but there's still room for improvement.